If you really care for someone, read this (Short Story)

If you really care for someone, read this...

This story is about a girl and a boy who were in a relationship.

Boy: Hi Baby! How are you? I’m so happy today!

Girl: Wait, I’ll text you later, I’m still busy with my thesis.

Boy: Can you do it later? Let’s talk for a while first. I miss you so much baby. We haven’t talked properly for a while.

Girl: I have to finish this on time, you should know that.

Boy: Please baby, just this once? You can finish this tomorrow. I’ll not disturb you again after this.

Girl: What???? Can’t you understand? This is my project. Can’t you give me time for myself?? COULD YOU PLEASE? I ALSO HAVE MY OWN LIFE. LET ME LIVE FOR MYSELF FOR ONCE! STOP TEXTING ME!

Boy: Sorry Baby. I Love you very much. I’ll just text you later.

Boy: Hi baby! I can’t stay long not texting you. I really wanted to talk to you. I want us to be happy again.

Boy: Hi baby! You’re still not responding to my texts, also when you were online. How’s your thesis?

Boy: Baby, it’s already 12 AM… It’s been 5 hours but you’re still not replying to my texts. I miss you already. I Love you so much!

Boy: Ummm baby… I Love you so much… I’m here for you always. Please call me in an hour if you read my texts. The time is near that we’ll always be together..

Girl: Didn’t I tell you that I’ll text you after I’m done with my thesis? Can’t you understand that???? Why is it so hard for you to get that I’m busy?? It’s like there’s no tomorrow. You are OVERREACTING! WILL YOU JUST SLEEP?

Boy: Sorry baby. Ok. Goodnight Honey. I Love You! Take Care of yourself always. I’ll always be here to guide you. I’m just here. I’ll never leave you.


Girl: Baby, wake up. Sorry about what I’ve said last night. I was really busy. Sorry for not listening you. Eat your breakfast baby, I’ll be going to college now.

Girl: Wake up baby, you still have classes to attend. Text me when you read my messages.

Girl: Hey, why until now you’re not texting? It’s already the lunch break. Why didn’t you attend your classes? Don’t you have phone? Please text me. I Love You! I Miss You!

Boy: He left us already. My son left me already. Your boyfriend left you. He already left those who were there for him. Did he never told you he was sick?
This was the 3rd year his doctor gave him. We thought it wasn’t true. Because no one can predict how long a person can live in this world. But to our surprise, his heart didn’t make it too. His heart failed.
We tried to wake him up this morning but he didn’t respond. There was a message typed for you in his phone but he wasn’t able to send it.

This was the last message from the boy for his Girlfriend:

“Take care of yourself always. I’m happy where I’m going. Please don’t cry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my condition. I didn’t want to bother you because I knew how busy you were with you thesis. I didn’t want to add up to your worries. I’m not sure if I’m lucky enough to still have chance to wake up tomorrow but I’m praying that he’ll give me a chance to see you and be with you everyday of my life. I Love you so much. I regret not having a chance to talk to you, hear your lovely voice. But I understand you. You might fail you in your thesis is you wouldn’t finish it this week. I’m really really sorry. And I Love you very much. Please promise you’ll be strong! Those were the best times I spent with you. You’re the best person in my life I encoun”

He missed her

Always value the person who cares for you if you have someone who truly cares for you and love you without terms. ♥

Idea for the story: Instagram


  1. Made me emotional 😣😣😭😭😒

  2. Man that was really touching to the core. ...😟

  3. Prakhar. You nailed it bro. 😍

  4. What a beautiful creation... DudeπŸ’–

  5. This was so heart touching 😢

  6. OMGEEE You're amazingly irritating but friend ho so I have to tolerate and love you alike na.


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